
Category: Barbell Exercises For Arms

Preacher Curl

Preacher Curl

Imagine yourself at the gym, trying to build those perfectly toned biceps. As you walk past the array of intimidating

Hammer Curl

Hammer Curl

Are you looking to switch up your bicep workout routine? Look no further than the Hammer Curl! This exercise targets

EZ Bar Curl

EZ Bar Curl

If you’re looking to build some serious biceps and forearm muscles, then the EZ Bar Curl is a must-try exercise

Barbell Triceps Kickback

Barbell Triceps Kickback

If you’re looking to sculpt and strengthen your triceps, then the Barbell Triceps Kickback is the exercise for you. This

Concentration Curl

Concentration Curl

Have you ever wondered how to effectively target and strengthen your biceps? Look no further than the Concentration Curl. This

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