Cable Leg Raise

Cable Leg Raise

Hey there! Want to amp up your lower body workout? Look no further, because the Cable Leg Raise exercise is here to take your fitness routine to the next level! This dynamic move targets your abs, glutes, and hip flexors simultaneously, giving you a killer workout that will leave you feeling strong and accomplished. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this exercise is suitable for all fitness levels. Get ready to feel the burn and sculpt those legs with this exercise!

Cable Leg Raise

What is a Cable Leg Raise?

This exercise is a form of resistance exercise that primarily targets the lower abdominal muscles, specifically the rectus abdominis. This exercise involves using a cable machine to provide the resistance needed to lift your legs against gravity.

Benefits of Cable Leg Raise

This exercise is a highly effective exercise that offers several benefits for your fitness routine. Firstly, it helps to strengthen and tone your lower abdominal muscles, contributing to a well-defined and sculpted core. It also engages the hip flexors and the muscles in your lower back, improving overall core stability.

Additionally, this exercise is a functional exercise that mimics real-life movements, making it a great choice for athletes and individuals looking to enhance their athletic performance. It can help improve your balance and stability, which can be beneficial in various sports and daily activities.

Moreover, this exercise can assist in improving posture by targeting the muscles responsible for maintaining a strong and upright posture. As the exercise requires a good amount of control and balance, it also helps to improve mind-muscle connection and body awareness.

Muscles Targeted

The primary muscle targeted by this exercise is the rectus abdominis, commonly referred to as the “six-pack” muscles. This exercise also engages the hip flexors, including the psoas major and iliacus muscles. Additionally, the lower back muscles, including the erector spinae, are activated to provide stability during the movement.

By targeting these muscle groups, this exercise effectively strengthens and tones the core, contributing to improved body composition and enhanced stability.

Equipment Needed

To perform this exercise, you will need access to a cable machine. This machine consists of a weight stack with a pulley system and a cable attachment that can be adjusted to different heights. You will also need an ankle strap attachment to secure around your ankles for the exercise.

Most gyms have cable machines readily available, but if you prefer to do this exercise at home, you can consider investing in a home cable machine or alternative resistance bands with ankle straps.

Proper Form and Technique

To perform this exercise correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Start by adjusting the cable machine to a low height and attaching the ankle strap to your ankles.
  2. Stand facing away from the cable machine, holding on to the machine or a nearby support for balance.
  3. Engage your core and maintain a straight posture throughout the exercise.
  4. Slowly lift your legs forward, leading with your toes, keeping them straight and together.
  5. Continue lifting until your legs are parallel to the ground or until you feel a strong contraction in your abs.
  6. Hold the position for a brief moment, then slowly lower your legs back down to the starting position.

Remember to maintain control and avoid swinging or using momentum to perform the exercise. Focus on using your abdominal muscles to lift and lower your legs.


  1. Oblique Cable Leg Raise: Instead of lifting your legs straight forward, bring them up to the side, targeting the oblique muscles on the sides of your abdomen.
  2. Weighted Cable Leg Raise: You can add extra resistance by attaching ankle weights or wearing a weighted vest while performing this exercise.
  3. Single Leg Cable Leg Raise: Perform the exercise with one leg at a time, alternating between legs, to increase the challenge and engage each leg individually.

Precautions and Tips

While this exercise is generally safe for most individuals, it is essential to consider the following precautions and tips:

  1. Start with a light weight or resistance and gradually increase as you become more comfortable and confident in your form.
  2. Avoid using excessive momentum or swinging your legs, as this can place strain on your lower back and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  3. If you experience any discomfort or pain during the exercise, stop and consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider.
  4. Engage your core and maintain proper posture throughout the movement to maximize the benefits and minimize the risk of injury.
  5. Breathe steadily throughout the exercise, exhaling as you lift your legs and inhaling as you lower them.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To ensure optimal results and reduce the risk of injury, be aware of these common mistakes and avoid them when performing this exercise:

  1. Lifting your legs too high: Aim to lift your legs until they are parallel to the ground or until you feel a strong contraction in your abs. Lifting too high can lead to strain in your lower back.
  2. Using momentum: Avoid swinging your legs or using momentum to lift them. Focus on controlled movements and engaging your abdominal muscles throughout the exercise.
  3. Arching your lower back: Maintain a neutral spine position throughout the exercise and avoid excessive arching of your lower back. This will help prevent strain and ensure proper engagement of your core muscles.

Sample Cable Leg Raise Workout

Here’s a sample of this exercise workout that you can incorporate into your fitness routine:

  1. Cable Leg Raises – 3 sets of 12-15 reps
    • Start with a moderate weight and gradually increase as you become stronger.
    • Focus on maintaining proper form and engaging your abdominal muscles throughout each rep.
  2. Oblique Cable Leg Raises – 3 sets of 10-12 reps on each side
    • Adjust the cable machine to an appropriate height for targeting the oblique muscles.
    • Lift your legs to the side, aiming for a strong contraction in your obliques.
  3. Single Leg Cable Leg Raises – 3 sets of 8-10 reps on each leg
    • Perform the exercise with one leg at a time, alternating between legs.
    • This variation targets each leg individually, providing a greater challenge.

Remember to warm up adequately before starting your workout and cool down/stretch afterward to prevent any muscle imbalances or injuries.


Incorporating cable leg raises into your fitness routine can be highly beneficial for strengthening your core, improving stability, and enhancing your overall athletic performance. By targeting the lower abdominal muscles, hip flexors, and lower back, this exercise helps to build a strong, defined core while improving posture and balance. Remember to focus on proper form, engage your abdominal muscles, and gradually increase the resistance to continue challenging your muscles and achieving your fitness goals.

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